Our Purpose

UCU-studentsUganda Christian University Partners is a non-profit charitable organization committed to raise public awareness about Uganda Christian University in the United States by seeking material and spiritual support for students through sponsorships; and by procuring funds for buildings and other needed projects. Uganda Christian University Partners seeks to further the University’s mission of preparing students “through teaching, scholarship, service, spiritual formation, student development and social involvement….for thoughtful, productive lives of Christian faith and service in their respective professions and places.”

Becoming a Partner provides the opportunity for you to join with our friends in Uganda and other Christians around the world in fulfilling this exciting vision that our Lord has presented to us. Our vision for the next few years is to expand the campus and facilities in order to accommodate enrollment, align with employment and Christian community needs, develop student and faculty exchange programs, increase our scholarship offerings, and help to enhance the image of the University as an institution of quality education and faithfulness to its mission statement and motto: “Alpha and Omega: God the Beginning and End.”